Preheat the oven to 180˚C (160˚C fan assisted oven, 350˚F, gas mark 4). Grease and line a deep 20cm (8inch) square cake tin. Break up the Extra Dark Chocolate into a heatproof bowl. Add the butter and sugar and place over a saucepan of barely simmering water until melted. Remove from the water, stir well and cool for 10 minutes.
Mix in the eggs and Vanilla Extract to make a thick glossy mixture. Add the fruit and brandy or rum and sift the flour and Baking Powder on top. Mix together thoroughly to make a thick cake batter.
Spoon the mixture into the prepared tin, smooth the top and bake for about 20 minutes until risen and slightly crusty on top but the mixture should still be slightly soft underneath. Leave to cool in the tin. Wrap well in parchment and foil and store for 24 hours to allow the texture and flavour to develop.
To decorate, turn the brownie out of the tin and discard the lining paper. Place upside down on a board and brush the top with honey. Set aside.
Gently knead the Marzipan to soften it, then lightly dust with work surface with icing sugar and roll out the marzipan to a square shape to fit the top of the brownie. Gently press in place and trim as necessary.
Using a large, sharp knife, cut the brownie into 3 equal strips. Brush the marzipan with a little bit water to make it sticky. Working on the White, Red and Green Ready to Roll Icing separately, roll each into a strip about 1cm (1/2inch) wider than the dimensions of the brownie portions. Trim the edges, then gently press on each of the cake portions and trim further if necessary. For a smooth finish, rub the top of the icing with dusted finger tips until smooth. Cut each iced brownie strip into 4 equal portions – this is a crumbly cake so use a sharp knife to cut a neater edge.
Gather up and roll out the icing trimmings along with the Yellow Ready to Roll Icing. Using mini cutters, stamps out Christmas trees, holly leaves, stars and snowflakes to decorate each piece of cake – use a little water to stick the shapes on top. If liked, decorate the icing edge of each piece of brownie using a serrated tool or the blade of a serrated knife. Your brownies are now ready to serve and enjoy!
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